viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

¡Oh Capitán, mi Capitán!

¡Oh Capitán, mi Capitán!

terminó nuestro espantoso viaje,
el navío ha salvado todos los escollos,
hemos ganado el premio codiciado
ya llegamos a puerto, ya oigo las campanas
ya el pueblo acude gozoso,
los ojos siguen la firme quilla
del navío resuelto y audaz;
mas ¡Oh corazón, corazón, corazón !¡Oh, las rojas gotas sangrantes !
Ved mi capitán en la cubierta
yace frío y muerto.

¡Oh Capitán, mi Capitán!
levántate y escucha las campanas;
levántate, para ti flamea la bandera,
para ti suena el clarín,
para ti los ramilletes y guirnaldas engalanadas,
para ti la multitud se agolpa en la playa;
a ti te llama la masa móvil del pueblo;
a ti vuelven sus rostros anhelantes;
¡ Ea Capitán!
¡Padre querido!
¡Que tu cabeza descanse en mi brazo!
Esto es un sueño: En la cubierta yace frío y muerto.

Mi Capitán no responde
sus labios están pálidos e inmóviles
mi padre no siente mi brazo,
no tiene pulso ni voluntad,
el navío ha anclado sano y salvo;
su viaje, acabado y concluido
de horrible viaje el navío victorioso
llega con su trofeo,
¡Exultad, oh playas, y sonad, oh campanas!
mas yo con pasos fúnebres recorro la cubierta
dónde mi Capitán yace frío y muerto.

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

MoDern Man

So I wait my turn, I'm a modern man
And the people behind me, they can't understand
Makes me feel like
Makes me feel like

So I wait in line, I'm a modern man
And the people behind me, they can't understand
Makes me feel like
Something don't feel right

Like a record that's skipping
I'm a modern man
And the clock keeps ticking
I'm a modern man
Makes me feel like
Makes me feel like

In my dream I was almost there
Then you pulled me aside and said you're going nowhere
They say we are the chosen few
But we're wasted
And that's why we're still waiting
On a number from the modern man
Maybe when you're older you will understand
Why you don't feel right
Why you can't sleep at night now

In line for a number but you don't understand
Like a modern man
In line for a number but you don't understand
Like a modern man

Oh I had a dream I was dreaming
And I feel I'm losing the feeling
Makes me feel like
Like something don't feel right
I erase the number of the modern man
Want to break the mirror of the modern man
Makes me feel like
Makes me feel like

In my dream I was almost there
Then you pulled me aside and said you're going nowhere
I know we are the chosen few
But we're wasted
And that's why we're still waiting
In line for a number but you don't understand
Like a modern man
In like for a number but you don't understand
Like a modern man

And you feel so right
But how come you can't sleep at night?
In line for a number but you don't understand
Like a modern man

I'm a modern man
I'm a modern man
I'm a modern man
I'm a modern man